Here are some useful links related to my research and beyond. The selection is completely random and arbitrary…there are many other great websites!
Maps that matter
Strange Maps
World Population Atlas
Geography, GIS and Cartography
Royal Geographical Society
The British Cartographic Society
Society of Cartographers
Free GIS Data (extensive overview of online resources)
Global Administrative Database
Link collection of the Map Department at Cambridge University
Diffusion-based method for producing density equalizing maps Paper by Michael T. Gastner and M. E. J. Newman (2004) in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 101, 7499-7504. This paper presents the underlying principles for most of the maps shown on this website.
Data, Visualisation & Data Visualisation
Vis4 blog by Gregor Aisch
Moritz Stefaner
Visualising Data by Andy Kirk
Datavisualisation by Interactive things (Switzerland)
Guardian Datastore
European Union Open Data Portal
Govdata Portal Germany
UK Open Data Portal
USA Data Portal
World Bank Data
London Datastore
NYC Open Data
Blogs worth reading (strictly alphabetical order)
Carto Nerd by Ken Field
Data Science in Place by Andrea Ballatore
Everything is connected to everything else by Carl Lee
Living Geography by Alan Parkinson
Mapping London
There is nothing like travelling by Tina Gotthardt
Spatial Analysis by James Cheshire
Stats, Maps n Pix by Alasdair Rae
Suprageography by Ollie O’Brien
Note: Entering any of the above links you do completely at your own risk.