Bundestagswahl 2017: Electoral cartograms of Germany

The re-election of Angela Merkel as chancellor of Germany in yesterday’s federal election (Bundestagswahl) came as little surprise. Yet the final result was still widely seen as a political earthquake. The extreme right ‘Alternative for Germany‘ (Alternative für Deutschland, AfD) entered the federal parliament (Bundestag) with 12.6% of the second vote (Zweitstimme) that determines the proportional distribution of seats (having gained 7.9% compared to the 2013 election). With 94 seats, the party has become the third largest after CDU (26.8%, 200 seats, having lost 7.4%) and SPD (20.5%, 153 seats, having lost 5.2%). FDP re-entered parliament with 10.7% of the second vote (up by 6.0%, 80 seats). Former opposition leader Die Linke went up by 0.6% to 9.2% (69 seats), followed by Grüne at 8.9% (67 seats, having gained 0.5%). CDU’s sister party in Bavaria, CSU, lost 1.2% and is at 6.2% (46 seats).
AfD’s rise is the most significant change in the political landscape which also becomes visible on the new electoral maps of this year’s election. The following two maps show the distribution of the largest party in the first and second vote. In the southern parts of east Germany (Saxony) AfD managed to win three constituencies with the first-past-the-post first vote, and also became the largest party in eight constituencies in the second vote that decides on each party’s proportional representation in parliament.
Apart from this change, the electoral landscape of the strongest party in each constituency remains similar to previous elections: SPD, despite their losses, remains strongest in the urban areas of north-, central- and western Germany and are stronger in the constituency vote, while CDU dominates rural regions and much of Southern Germany except for Bavaria where CSU is taking CDU’s role. Die Linke only becomes visible as a winner in East Germany, while the Green Party holds on to its only constituency seat in Berlin:

Equal population projection map of the First and Second Vote Results in the 2017 German General Election / Bevölkerungsrastertransformationskarte der Ergebnisse der Bundestagswahl 2017
(click for larger version)

In this cartogram, each transformed grid cell reflects the total number of people living in that area. This topographic cartogram provides a reference for the electoral maps above:

Equal population projection map of Germany
(click for larger version)

Since Germany’s electoral system is based on proportional representation. These maps show only part of the events that were unfolding in yesterday’s general election. For a more detailed picture of the new political landscapes a closer look at each party’s vote share is necessary which can be found in the next entry on this website.

The content on this page has been created by Benjamin Hennig using preliminary results of the 2017 election published by Bundeswahlleiter. Please contact me for further details on the terms of use.

2 thoughts on “Bundestagswahl 2017: Electoral cartograms of Germany

  1. Pingback: Germany Vol.3 (German Federal Election 2017) – World Solutions

  2. Pingback: Changing Political Landscapes of Germany 2017 - Views of the World

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