Political Landscapes of the United Kingdom in 2017

How much has the United Kingdom changed following the second general election within two years, and following the referendums on independence in Scotland in 2014 and the membership of the European Union in 2016? Each poll appeared to have had a significant impact on the political debate and the next vote which never seemed far away. As such, the 2017 general election looks like the culmination of the preceding ballots where all of the previous debates got a more or less prominent mention during the electoral campaign. Ultimately this led to some significant changes in the political landscapes of the country with each corner of the United Kingdom being affected by these dynamics.
Politicians, spin doctors and commentators quickly aim to interpret the outcome according to their views. In contrast, the following series of maps showing some key statistics and data from the election results aims to provide a more neutral as well as more comprehensive look at the underlying geographies. It shows different angles on key characteristics such as winners and runners-up in each constituency, changes in votes, vote shares of the two largest parties, turnout and changes in turnout between the last two general elections.
In this feature, different cartographic techniques are used to show how the electoral landscape in the UK is shaped not only by physical space, but also by political dimensions as well as from the perspective of people. The conventional (land area) map is therefore complemented by a hexagon cartogram where each parliamentary constituency is represented by a hexagon (some changes in constituencies over the past decades are reflected in split and merged hexagons), and by a gridded population cartogram where each area is resized according to the number of people living in that area.
Each of the three maps therefore provides a unique insight into the diverse spatial patterns of politics that emerged from the 2017 general election. To fully understand the new political landscapes of the United Kingdom, only a combination of different perspectives as shown here can help to gain a more complete picture. Geography matters not only in its physical dimension, but just as much in its social and political spaces that are depicted in these maps.
Here is the ultimate cartographic wrap-up of the 2017 general election in 21 maps:

Conservative vote share
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Conservative Vote Share
(click for larger and labelled version)

Labour vote share
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Labour Vote Share
(click for larger and labelled version)

Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Voter Turnout
(click for larger and labelled version)

Turnout change 2015-2017
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Change in voter turnout 2015-2017
(click for larger and labelled version)

Winning party
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Winning party
(click for larger and labelled version)

Runner-up party
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Second placed / runner-up party
(click for larger and labelled version)

Change 2015-2017
Gridded Population Map and cartogram series of the UK General Election 2017: Changes in the winning party between the 2015 and 2017 general election
(click for larger and labelled version)

These maps were created as part of a contribution for the UK Election Analysis 2017 published by the Centre for the Study of Journalism, Culture and Community in collaboration with Political Studies Association. The report including my full analysis that these maps were taken from is available online at http://www.electionanalysis.uk (publication date June, 19th). The maps were also featured in Geographical Magazine.

The content on this page has been created by Benjamin Hennig using data by the Economist (via Thiemo René Fetzer), the Guardian, and BBC. Please contact me for further details and the terms of use.

1 thought on “Political Landscapes of the United Kingdom in 2017

  1. Pingback: Trois fois les élections britanniques | Veille cartographique 2.0

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